End Of Year PTO Buyout / Carryover Options
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline to submit your Year-End PTO Carry Over Forms is fast approaching. All forms must be completed and submitted by Saturday, December 14, 2024.
What You Need to Know:
For Hourly Employees:
• If you have hours in excess of the required carryover, these hours will be bought out in cash unless you select one of the following options:
• Option A: Deposit all excess hours into your 403(b).
• Option B: Deposit all excess hours into your Extended Sick Bank (ESB).
• Option C: Deposit all hours, including the required carryover, into your ESB.
For Master Bargaining Employees:
• You can carry over additional hours by completing the Additional PTO Carry Over Form.
Accessing the Forms:
• Log in to KaleidaScope and navigate to Human Resources under Kaleida Links.
• Under HR Quick Tools, select HR Forms and click the Year-End PTO Carryover Forms button.
• You’ll receive an automatic email receipt confirming submission.
Important: No changes can be made after the December 14 deadline.
If you have questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your HR representative. Let’s ensure you make the most of your PTO options!

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